Colors are used to represent support for a number of causes in society. Pink is used as a color to support breast cancer, while a yellow ribbon is used to support military forces. In recent years, green lights have popped up in homes around the globe in support of veterans, but how did this begin?
Project Greenlight a Vet is a way for individuals to show support to the bravest and hardworking men and women who have served in the armed forces. These individuals deserve to be appreciated when they arrive back home and are out of uniform. It is hard to know a veteran when looking at an individual out of uniform. People can show their support by purchasing green light bulbs and placing them on the front porch or in a room for veterans to see as they drive by.
The goal is to change one light to green in the home, making it visible to the outside world. The glow of green will show support and appreciation for veterans in your community. You can even put your light on the map at the Greenlight A Vet website so every veteran in the country can see your support.
With the hashtag, #greenlightavet, you can also help to bring awareness to this cause. Inspire others to join in and a green light to their home by posting the hashtag or sharing the website on social media pages such as Facebook and Instagram. By letting others know about this cause, they too can show support and appreciation by changing bulbs from standard white to glowing green.
The color green was chosen for this program as the color is known as a symbol of renewal, hope, and well-being. The term ‘greenlight’ is normally used as a forward movement. By simply changing your light bulb from white to a green bulb creates a show of support for those who have served in the military. By showing your support and talking about this cause, you are able to shed light on the veterans in the United States and let everyone know that these individuals need our support.
Veterans have seen another world, far from our own, and often times need a helping hand. By taking part in the green light program, you are showing any veteran that sees your light that you are giving your support, encouragement, and appreciation.
Think about how you can get involved with Greenlight A Vet today. Change a light bulb in your home by simply visiting your local department store or hardware store for a new bulb in the color green. Take a photo of your new light and share on Facebook with the hashtag #greenlightavet. This will allow you to share the program and spread the word so that others can become involved too.
Changing the color of a light bulb is a simple gesture but one that can mean a great deal. Take time to take part and feel good about making a difference in your community.
Why do we use Green lights to support veterans?